Delaware SOS VDA Webinars

VDA Process & Benefits Webinar

This webinar discusses the basics of unclaimed property and the benefits of the Delaware SOS VDA Program. The webinar is focused on holders that are considering joining the VDA Program, whether on their own or because they received an invitation letter, or anyone who wants to learn more about coming into compliance with their Delaware unclaimed property obligations without penalties and interest. Listen to this webinar to help answer questions like why you may have property due to Delaware even if you do not have operations in Delaware, and why might you want to join the VDA Program (even if you think you do not have any unclaimed property).

  • Run time: 31 minutes
  • Date presented: March 27, 2020
  • Presenter: Kim Micha, VDA Administrator
  • Presentation slides

VDA Best Practices Webinar

This webinar is targeted towards holders and their advocates that are currently participating, or about to start participating in the SOS VDA Program. After ten years and over 1500 VDAs, many best practices have emerged that help holders efficiently and effectively complete the VDA Program. Listen to this webinar to discover these best practices. This is best listened to after developing at least a basic understanding of unclaimed property and the Delaware SOS VDA Program.

  • Run time: 59 minutes
  • Date presented: April 12, 2022
  • Presenters (in order of speaking):
    • Kim Micha, VDA Administrator
    • Geoff Sawyer, Partner, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP (VDA vendor)
    • Ania Hanna, Manager, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP (VDA vendor)
  • Presentation slides